Building Commissioning and Engineering Solutions
Building Efficiency That Works— for owners, communities, and the planet.
Buildings are complex. Humans are busy.
Ben Fowler Consulting is an engineering firm that specializes in commercial building systems commissioning services, building controls and HVAC technical problem solving, and energy efficiency consulting. Clients include: hospitals, universities, multifamily housing developers, municipalities and government entities.
We provide positive, long-term results at key stages of a building’s lifespan:
In design, we serve as the owner’s technical advocate, documenting specific project requirements that clarify priorities and articulate goals for the design team. We then review building design, to make sure it achieves the owner’s stated aims and maximizes the opportunity for energy efficiency, maintainability, reliability, first-cost and operational cost savings.
In construction, we work with project teams to facilitate a rigorous quality-control process. Verification procedures are implemented to aid contractors in ensuring that equipment is installed and functionally performs in accordance with the design and industry best practices. From early in the construction phase, field verification is performed periodically in a collaborative effort with contractors in order to identify and address any issues, thereby reducing the potential for rework and call-backs after completion. This type of process ultimately benefits both the building owner and broader project team.
In the initial occupancy period, we make sure contractors’ required documentation is issued, that manuals and as-built drawings are correct, and that users receive appropriate training, tailored to meet actual needs of the specific O&M team. We can also provide near-end-of-warranty review to help identify any outstanding issues prior to warranty expiration.

Our Work and Mission
Even with the work of talented design teams, construction managers and diligent contractors, the owner’s goals for system design, construction and operation are often not fully realized.
The commissioning process provides an expert whose entire focus is on working to make sure the owner’s goals are achieved — and that potential issues are identified, documented and resolved. This work often achieves huge positive impacts on operational reliability and energy savings, plus large potential benefit to initial project budgets and long-term operating costs.
Energy and sustainability are our passions.
Buildings in the U.S. account for half of the nation’s energy use, with commercial buildings consuming 20 percent of the total. For us, working to reduce energy consumption in the commercial building sector is one means of taking climate change seriously, and of helping to meet the challenges that face our planet.
Meet the Team
Ben Fowler, PE
Along with being a lifelong “energy geek,” I have over 20 years’ diverse experience in the commercial building field. I have worked on dozens of projects, of all sizes, in multiple industries — in operations and maintenance, engineering and analysis, energy program evaluation, and commissioning/retrocommissioning. To each new project, I bring an exceptional blend of hands-on experience and technical engineering analysis.
Building Commissioning
Achieving Performance Goals in New Construction
Building Commissioning is a process focused on improving outcomes in new construction project delivery, with special attention to the building Owner’s fundamental project objectives. For many Owners undertaking the substantial investment in new construction or a major renovation, goals may include implementing building systems which are efficient, reliable, and straightforward to operate and maintain. Other goals may include comfortable and healthy space for occupants, and flexibility for growth as an organization’s needs evolve.
The Commissioning process provides technical third-party who is solely focused on these priorities, allowing Owners to continue to focus on the mission of their organization.
Improving Reliability & Efficiency of Existing Buildings
Existing building systems offer many opportunities to improve performance, reliability and efficiency—often simultaneously, and frequently with a high return on investment.
The retrocommissioing process is collaborative, and begins with an investigation into energy and operational performance through evaluation of historical utility and/or building management system data, and through discussion with facilities operations and maintenance staff. Once a clear understanding of building systems is gained, potential opportunities are agreed upon and developed as candidates for implementation.
Partnerships with Energy Efficiency Utilities can frequently result in low-to-no cost initial assessments, as well as funding to assist in implementation of promising solutions.
Engineering Solutions
Engineering Solutions for Better Building Systems
Sometimes, even with the best design team and most skilled maintenance and service personnel, building systems just don’t work as intended. For example, systems designed to be automated may require frequent operator interventions, comfort and indoor environmental quality are poor, user complaints could be frequent, and mission-critical services may be periodically disrupted. Bringing focused attention to these system(s) by an engineer with extensive hands on, analytical, and system design experience, cost effective solutions can be developed which both reduce the operational headaches, and often reduce energy use at the same time.